Hindi Level 5 - Advanced

Desh, Deeksha, Urmila

About this course
Our advanced level is the most customizeable of all our course options. Building on an already strong foundation of vocabulary, grammar, and pronunciation, this course is your opportunity to truly focus in on the areas most important to you.
Popular areas of focus include popular culture and heritage allowing you to better connect with the people surrounding you every day, high-level fluency for those wishing to be able to give presentations of even teach in the Hindi language, and Indian laws and legal system for those with an interest in research or studies of Indian governance.
Advanced Hindi is the perfect class for those who may have spoken Hindi for years, but want to remove limits to their personal or professional growth in India.
Typical Duration: Dependent on area(s) of study.
Course Features
- Fluent Conversation Mastery
- Cultural Idioms & Slang
- Cultural Immersion
- Vocabulary Expansion
- Cultural Stories & Traditions